Ora 28113 : Policy Predicate has Error
Recently I encountered an Oracle Error. ORA-28113: Policy Predicate has Error After going through so much i decided to write a note about it , so that people who get stuck with this issue can have an option. So i was working on Creating a Materialized View and it is based off of a Select statement which is a Union of bunch of select statements with a bunch of tables and views. So as i try to create the Materialized view with the select statement i built , i was getting the error ORA-28113. After reading a lot of good material online and doing a lot of different things with the sql , finally found out that one of the Object (table) i am using in the SQL had policies. So went to dba_policies table and queried for the table and it had a bunch of policies enabled. So the work around could be either disabling the policies? or trying to create a custom view out of the table and use the Custom view instead of the base table in the sql statement. Hope this helps people who are in the ...