
Showing posts from October, 2013

Create a Concurrent Program as Function

How to Create a Concurrent Program as a Function and assign it to a menu? Create a new executable. ( Sysadmin --> Concurrent --> Program --> Executable ) Create a new Concurrent Program with the executable as the short name ( Sysadmin --> Concurrent --> Program Define ) Assign the parameters based on the requirement. Assign the concurrent program to any request group if needed. Create a new function Sysadmin --> Application --> Function Description Tab: Provide the  Function  name (name it as close as short name of the concurrent program for ease) Provide a Function Name and description Properties Tab: Provide the type as 'Form', Maintenance mode support as 'None' and Context Dependence as 'Responsibility' Form Tab: Under Form provide the value Run Reports, Application as Application Object Library and Parameters should be the Concurrent_program_name and Program_Application_short_name and title Sample: Concurren...

Oracle Forms Compilation on Local Machine

Compilation of forms on local machine First thing, copy all the files from $AU_TOP/resource to a place on the local machine. c:\FORMS\US (new folder on local machine) we need to add this new location in the forms_path registry variable. run --> regedit Hkey Local Machine --> Software --> Oracle Home looks for FORMA_PATH Dont delete the variables that are present, just add the new location and it should work. use " ; " to add the new path.. so c:\devsuite\forms ;c:\FORMS\US  Refer to Metalink Note: 236803.1