
Showing posts from October, 2014

Links between AP, XLA, GL

XLA_AE_HEADERS xah XLA_AE_LINES xal XLA_TRANSACTION_ENTITIES xte XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS xdl GL_IMPORT_REFERENCES gir Below are the possible joins between these XLA Tables: xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id xah.application_id = xal.application_id xal.application_id = xte.application_id xte.application_id = xdl.application_id xah.entity_id = xte.entity_id xah.ae_header_id = xdl.ae_header_id xah.ae_line_num = xdl.ae_line_num xah.event_id = xdl.event_id xal.gl_sl_link_id = gir.gl_sl_link_id xal.gl_sl_link_table = gir.gl_sl_link_table xah.application_id = (Different value based on Module) xte.entity_code = 'TRANSACTIONS' or 'RECEIPTS' or 'ADJUSTMENTS' or 'PURCHASE_ORDER' or 'AP_INVOICES' or 'AP_PAYMENTS' or 'MTL_ACCOUNTING_EVENTS' or 'WIP_ACCOUNTING_EVENTS' xte.source_id_int_1 = 'INVOICE_ID' or 'CHECK_ID' or 'TRX_NUMBER' XLA_DISTRIBUTION_LINKS table join based on Sou...

Alter Column Data type in a Table

Alter Table xx_tbl Modify (column_name varchar2(100) );

Date value set

One way of creating a full date value is to create a view in the database, assign the view to a value set and assign the value set to the parameter of a concurrent program or to Descriptive Flexfield. create or replace view date_time_v AS (SELECT     (TO_DATE (SYSDATE - 1 + LEVEL, 'DD-MON-RRRR HH24:MI:SS')) cdate              , (TO_CHAR (SYSDATE - 1 + LEVEL, 'Month, DD RRRR HH24:MI:SS')) cdate_word     FROM       DUAL x     CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1000); Selet * from  date_time_v; the output would be CDATE_        CDATE_WORD 10/17/2014    October  , 17 2014 08:02:21 10/18/2014    October  , 18 2014 08:02:21 10/19/2014    October  , 19 2014 08:02:21 10/20/2014    October  , 20 2014 08:02:21 10/21/2014    Octob...

Dynamic Images For BI Publisher Templates

When you have more than one image to be displayed conditionally, you can use the dynamic Images concept for the BI Publisher Templates. Look for media directory under the custom top.Place the image files (in gif format) From the data definitions (xml) or report (rdf) derive the image_path of the image and store in xml tags. Place a dummy image in the template. Right Click on the image, Format Picture. Go to Alt Text => Under the Description =>  Enter the following url:{//Image_path} ** This CANNOT be tested when you are making changes and running a preview from your template. Since the word on the computer cannot access the file server for images

How to Delete Concurrent Program and Program Executable

When there is a need to delete/purge a concurrent program, we can do it from the back end. Check first to see if the program exists by using Begin declare  v_exists  Boolean; v_exists := fnd_program.program_exists(program => ' XX_SN ',                                            application =>'XXCUST'); if v_exists is true then  BEGIN    fnd_program.delete_program (program_short_name    =>'XX_SN',                                                      application...