
Showing posts from 2015


Using WSH_DEBUG_SV package for a better Debug method for Order Management and Shipping modules. Use wsh_debug_sv.start_debugger procedure to get the debug messages at Performance Statement Procedure Event Exception Error Unexpected Error level Define the profile option WSH:Debug Enabled at User Level. Define the profile option  WSH:Debug Level at one of the values mentioned above The default value is at Procedure, but for the user level you can set this at any level. Create a directory on the application server and set up a directory for the debug log. Define the profile option WSH:Debug Log Directory   to the directory created. When using in the code Define the parameters       file_name                   VARCHAR2 (100);       return_status            ...

Finding Request group based on Responsibility in Oracle

  select   g.request_group_name, fr.responsibility_name     from   fnd_request_groups g, fnd_responsibility r, fnd_responsibility_tl fr    where       fr.responsibility_name = 'Responsibility Name'            and g.request_group_id = r.request_group_id            and r.end_date is null            and r.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id            and fr.language = 'US' order by   fr.responsibility_name

Is_Number Function

One of the functions that came in handy for me the Is_number function. This function would consume a string and figure out if its a number or not. If the string is a number, the return value is '1' if not it will return '0'  FUNCTION is_number (p_string IN VARCHAR2)       RETURN INT    IS       v_new_num   NUMBER;    BEGIN       v_new_num := TO_NUMBER (p_string);       RETURN 1;    EXCEPTION       WHEN VALUE_ERROR       THEN          RETURN 0;    END is_number;