
Showing posts from October, 2021

PLSQL Developer icons are small on Windows 10

Recently i had to use PLSQL Developer on my windows10 laptop. The icons, fonts etc were so small and tried few things. One thing that worked for me i am sharing. I am also adding the URL from where i found it. So any credit coming should go to that thread/website. Get shortcut of sqldeveloper at your desktop Ensure that you have admin rights in your PC Right Click on sqldeveloper icon and select Properties. Go to the Compatibility tab: Compatibility mode change it to windows 7 Check the option of Override high DPI scaling behavior Select "System" in drop down below Apply Re-Launch the application This worked like a charm. Thanks to original person who shared this. I am saving this on my blog, so that if i face this in future! I have this handy. Source:

How to Turn off Low Level Diagnostics in R12

Disable diagnostic logging with the following steps: 1. Login as a user with System Administrator responsibility and then navigate to:  Profile > System. Set the following profile option at the User level: FND: Debug Log Enabled = No 2. Logout of the application. You may also want to clear the browser's cache. 3. Login again and confirm that the message no longer appears. Source: Doc ID 1326490.1 (Oracle Technical support)