
Showing posts from 2013

Compile Error in Hidden Module:Module_editFF

I have been having a lot of issues with BI Publisher lately. One of them is Module_editFF i had BI Publisher installed for a while and out of the blue i got this error and the BI Publisher wont work any more. I had to uninstall the existing BI Publisher, and re-install the BI Publisher again. After successful re-installation of the BI Publisher, open MS Word. Click on the MS Word logo, click Word Options. Click Add-ins menu. In the Manage option, look for templates and hit go. Looks for and check that and hit ok. By doing this the BI Publisher worked for me. Hope this helps others who face this issue.

Create a Concurrent Program as Function

How to Create a Concurrent Program as a Function and assign it to a menu? Create a new executable. ( Sysadmin --> Concurrent --> Program --> Executable ) Create a new Concurrent Program with the executable as the short name ( Sysadmin --> Concurrent --> Program Define ) Assign the parameters based on the requirement. Assign the concurrent program to any request group if needed. Create a new function Sysadmin --> Application --> Function Description Tab: Provide the  Function  name (name it as close as short name of the concurrent program for ease) Provide a Function Name and description Properties Tab: Provide the type as 'Form', Maintenance mode support as 'None' and Context Dependence as 'Responsibility' Form Tab: Under Form provide the value Run Reports, Application as Application Object Library and Parameters should be the Concurrent_program_name and Program_Application_short_name and title Sample: Concurren...

Oracle Forms Compilation on Local Machine

Compilation of forms on local machine First thing, copy all the files from $AU_TOP/resource to a place on the local machine. c:\FORMS\US (new folder on local machine) we need to add this new location in the forms_path registry variable. run --> regedit Hkey Local Machine --> Software --> Oracle Home looks for FORMA_PATH Dont delete the variables that are present, just add the new location and it should work. use " ; " to add the new path.. so c:\devsuite\forms ;c:\FORMS\US  Refer to Metalink Note: 236803.1

SQL Loader

Recently , I had to use SQL*Loader for Oracle R12. Faced some issues, but finally got it sorted out. First things first. What do we need? 1) Data file: Can be .csv, txt etc. Here in my case it was .csv file. I had to place the file on the application server. The location is one that has been set up for saving data files. 2) we need a Control file for the SQL*Loader utility to load the data into the database. Structure of the Control file. --/****************************************************************************** --    NAME:        myfile.ctl --    PURPOSE:     Description -- --    REVISIONS: --    Ver         Date          Author            Description --    ---------   ----------    ---------------   --------------...

BI Publisher Intallation on Windows7

BI Publisher Installation on Windows7 Recently i tried to install the latest version of BI Publisher (XML Publisher Desktop on my PC which has Microsoft Office 2007 and  i have been facing issues with it. The error says it needs JRE version higher than 1.6 So after doing some research i came to know we need to install the JDK 7 to get this issue resolved. So if your PC is Windows 7 64 bit, then we need to download the JDK for windows 64 bit and install this. After we install the JDK7 successfully, then try installing BI Publisher  Sometimes we might get into Macros settings issue. For this please run the following commands in your command prompt as admin or with admin rights. For 64-bit operating systems, type the following: Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX" For 32-bit operating systems, type the following: Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX"