BI Publisher Intallation on Windows7

BI Publisher Installation on Windows7

Recently i tried to install the latest version of BI Publisher (XML Publisher Desktop on my PC which has Microsoft Office 2007 and  i have been facing issues with it. The error says it needs JRE version higher than 1.6

So after doing some research i came to know we need to install the JDK 7 to get this issue resolved.

So if your PC is Windows 7 64 bit, then we need to download the JDK for windows 64 bit and install this.

After we install the JDK7 successfully, then try installing BI Publisher 

Sometimes we might get into Macros settings issue.
For this please run the following commands in your command prompt as admin or with admin rights.

  • For 64-bit operating systems, type the following:
    Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\MSCOMCTL.OCX"
  • For 32-bit operating systems, type the following:
    Regsvr32 "C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.OCX"



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